Phase Analysis
- Airborne particulate analysis and estimation including quartz,
cristobolite, vanadium and zinc Oxide analysis as per OSHA standards
- Detailed soil and clay mineral analysis
- Crystalline/Amorphous ratio -- Percent Crystallinity in polymers and
ceramic materials
- Structural characterization and analysis of catalysts and chemicals
- Analysis of corrosion products
- Corrosion and Materials failure analysis
Our Mission
No question is too complex. No problem is too big.
We are the experts in materials testing and failure analysis.
Quantitative Analysis
- Accurate phase quantification by Rietveld Method
- External and Internal standard methods.
Contact us: (800) 682-2922
Rietveld Analysis
- Accurate quantitative analysis by whole pattern fitting least squares
- Accurate lattice parameter determination
- Line broadening analysis
-- Crystallite size determination -- Microstrain determination
Residual Stress Determination
- Macrostress by Sin2 Psi technique
- Microstress by line broadening
Retained Austenite Determination
- The Rietveld method will be used to quantify the amounts of Austenite
in stainless steel.
Thin Film Analysis
- Low angle glancing incidence technique for extremely thin films
- Thickness determination
- Determination of preferred orientation
Crystalline/Amorphous Ratio Determination
- Crystalline/Amorphous contents in dental implants, polymers are
determined by a profile fitting technique.
X - Ray Diffraction analyses is performed with an automated diffractometer and the data analyzed with a computerized least squares technique. A Philips x-ray diffractometer, equipped with a graphite monochrometer and a copper tube is used to collect the powder data. The data is collected on a PC and analyzed using a computerized search and match procedure. The laboratory is also equipped with the JCPDS database on a CD - ROM.